At Fit6 our aim is to give you the best price plan possible based on your current circumstances, and from what we find from our in depth assessment process. We want you to be empowered enough to take charge of your own body, and how to manage your pain, as well as learning how to strengthen your weaknesses. This will potentially take more time and investment in the short term, but you will definitely benefit more in the long term. We want you to see this as an educational process about you and your body, and as you improve and develop we will reduce the price plan accordingly. Therefore, rather than upselling to our clients we are downselling to you with our products. We want you to feel that your progression is a journey and we want to reflect that in the price and how we structure your sessions.
Initial Consultation,
treatment &Assessment........................£75
Individual sessions...........£52.50
Care & Confidence
1x weekly sessions
Free Access to True Coach
Constant Interaction with your Therapist/Coach
£210per month
2x monthly sessions
Free access to True Coach
Constant Interaction with your Therapist/Coach
£125per month
1x monthly session
Free access to True Coach
Constant Interaction with your Therapist/Coach
£80per month
​Free access to True Coach
Constant Interaction with your Therapist/Coach
Monthly progressions and adaptations to True Coach program
£40per month